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Affiliate Compliance & Intelligence



How it works

Rightlander helps advertisers to identify and track their active affiliate traffic sources, including sub-affiliate networks, and then automate the monitoring of these websites and social media profiles to uncover non-compliant marketing and untapped promotional opportunities - saving time and expediting ROI! Awin's advertisers can engage Rightlander in two ways: 1. Advertiser Plugin - Install Rightlander's advertiser plugin, Trackback, to quantify the originating sources of traffic to your websites by country, and then use this information to (a) protect your brand by prioritising brand, coupon and regulatory compliance scanning and (b) reveal new, geo-targeted, on-topic growth opportunities, with competitor analysis. 2. Custom Monitoring - Coordinate a meeting with Rightlander via your Awin Client Services team to discuss your specific affiliate marketing compliance and intelligence monitoring needs. We look forward to hearing from you!


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