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Contester video commerce



How it works

Contester is an award-winning video commerce platform, available on Awin Mastertag with one-click-activation, designed specifically to enhance influencers' partnership sales performance with 3-10x higher engagement and sales volume. When you enable Contester, your influencers host their shoppable videos and live streams on your website, uniquely displayed to their social media followers. Your buyers shop with the influencer they trust while watching their video providing a seamless, educative, authentic, and personalized shopping journey with robust results. This journey empowers your influencer partnerships - Extended lifecycle beyond social - Turning social viewers into tracking users - Better narratives and storytelling on social - Better offering, curated and personalized product lists - Staying connected during the shopping journey, guide and inspire buyers You can partner with Contester in many ways; Collaborative with your influencers and publishers or Fully managed.



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